About Me
Hi, I’m Amy! I’m a passionate leader with an amazing wellness company, but more than that I am an Entrepreneur, a foodie, a music fanatic, a happy wife, and a boss-mom! I started this incredible journey into leadership 9 years ago when I decided I wanted to make a real difference at home. I wanted financial freedom for my family, freedom to spend our time the way we wanted to - not apart every day from 9 to 5 and working on the weekend - but together! On the road, on the water, or even in the basement watching a movie. I wanted a life worth living, and felt pulled towards direct sales - an industry that creates more self-made millionaires than any other.

Spend time doing what you want to do!
God directed me to a wonderful company full of amazing partners -- within 5 years I was at the top level of the company, and among the top 10 leaders earning a six-figure income. I know how to work hard and it was inspiring watching my team come together and grow together! But when I finally earned that highest promotion, instead of finding the freedom I had so desired, I disappointingly realized I’d spent 5 years growing this incredible business that took 40-60 hours a week to run; certainly not the freedom I had imagined!
We finally had financial freedom -- but at what cost?

I am so grateful for the friendships and experience I gained on that journey, but while we were finally earning enough to have a level of financial freedom, we hadn’t found the freedom we truly desired: Time- time to be together as a family -- truly together. During vacations (even fabulous trips I had earned through my company!) I was constantly reaching for my phone or laptop. My focus was pulled every which way, trying to maintain a busy party calendar while simultaneously training new team members, helping grow leaders and contacting new customers. It was exhausting. When I should have felt like I’d achieved it all, I instead felt trapped by increased responsibilities. I realized I was wearing golden handcuffs. My business became a burden, and it wasn’t sustainable.
Time to rethink the future.
I had a really simple, but pivotal moment in my life when I took about 10 minutes to deeply think about my dreams. What did I really want my life to look like? What could I contribute to the world? What experiences did I crave to share with my children and my husband?
Could my company take me there? No. It couldn’t. I might have achieved a salary to dream big, but at the cost of having no time to enjoy it.
No amount of money is worth losing precious time!
A courageous step into the unknown:
After a rigorous journey to find the right business structure that would truly fulfill my dream of financial and time freedom, I resigned as Senior Vice President Sales Leader (the very top level of the company) - walking away from the business I had devoted 8 years to successfully building. God guided me and my husband and led us to partner with the top people in the world (and we didn’t even know it at the time; such a miracle!) in the #1 Direct Selling company in the US, doTERRA.
Since then it has been our passion to help leaders understand what key elements in a compensation plan and company are crucial for achieving both time freedom and financial freedom. We have walked that disappointing road- coming to the end of a long, rigorous financial journey only to discover you’ve arrived at the wrong destination. We believe that we had that experience for a reason -- to bless other leaders and their families.
We believe in creating true freedom; mentally, physically, and financially, and that it’s possible for any leader that is mission-driven and committed to actually achieve and share that freedom.
Turning undervalued direct sales leaders into high performing, well-compensated doTERRA leaders is what we do. True freedom is who we are. Will you join us?
Empowering homes and raising leaders in doTERRA is what we do. Creating true freedom is who we are.